DISPATCHES FROM THE EDUCATION APOCALYPSE: Fordham U. sued by Chinese immigrant student it punished for posting pro-freedom message.

The lawsuit states Tong’s decision to attend Fordham was largely due to the “university’s promise of freedom of expression and stated commitment to open exploration of challenging ideas.”

The university did not respond to multiple requests from The College Fix seeking comment.

“I will never apologize nor comply for doing nothing wrong, even if this comes at a massive personal cost,” Tong said. “I am also fighting for everyone who came to me to tell me their story of being silenced. We as a people will not back down to tyrants, and we will use this case as a precedent for those who attempt to silence us.”

The lawsuit stated that Fordham’s actions have had several consequences, arguing Tong has been “marginalized from academic life,” “treated like a criminal,” “branded as a dangerous and hateful individual” and “stigmatized by the imposition of wrongful punishment for the mere exercise of his constitutional rights which he rightfully trusted would be guaranteed by Fordham’s own policies and rules.”

As a legendary community organizer once advised his constituents, get in their faces, and punch back twice as hard.