EX-CBS NEWS PRESIDENT TO MEDIA: Be ‘Honest’ With Your ‘Embrace of Bias.’
Sauter predicted that if Trump wins re-election, many Americans will never “put public stock in journalism it considers hostile to the country’s best interests.” Sauter quoted from Mediaite founder Dan Abrams, another attendee at the forum he attended in February, who argued that “the first thing that would help…is to admit…that the people in the media are left of center.” Agreeing with Abrams, Sauter declared that “It would be delightful if a publisher, an editor, a reporter would just say: Yes, I am left of center! I’m proud of it. I think our reporting is accurate. It best serves the public. And the credibility of the media. So there!”
Well, yes. Objectivity is a model that is decades past its freshness dating, considering we live in an era of hundreds of cable channels, and countless Websites. And the insistence of Jurassic CBS anchors as far back as Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather to pretend to be unbiased when their embrace of the left was obvious for all to see simply exacerbates the problem. The one positive benefit of Twitter is that has allowed everyone to see the biases of the people who make the sausages.