● Shot: Would Joe Biden Subject Himself To The Sexual Assault Adjudication Policies He Helped Impose on Colleges?

— Mike LaChance, Legal Insurrection, today.

● Chaser:

Biden is a notorious flapjaw. His vanity deludes him into believing that every word that drops from his mouth is minted in the golden currency of Pericles. Vanity is the most conspicuous characteristic of US Senators en bloc, nourished by deferential acolytes and often expressed in loutish sexual advances to staffers, interns and the like. On more than one occasion CounterPunch’s editors have listened to vivid accounts by the recipient of just such advances, this staffer of another senator being accosted by Biden in the well of the senate in the week immediately following his first wife’s fatal car accident.

Alexander Cockburn, CounterPunch, August 23, 2008.

As Iowahawk tweets, “Gotta say these 2nd Edition revisions of ‘Principles of Sexual Harrassment’ are a real doozy.”