MICHAEL GRAHAM: Elizabeth Warren has no one to blame but herself for losing Massachusetts.

And here’s the Boston Globe-Democrat: “She was, to my mind, the smartest, most exciting, inspiring, and best prepared presidential candidate since Barack Obama in 2008.” That was from a Globe columnist AFTER she lost her home state.

Week after week, defeat after defeat, the house organ of the Warren campaign kept cranking out pro-Liz agitprop. One Globe-Democrat reporter said after Liz’s New Hampshire defeat, “Warren’s done everything right!” And if you ignore the whole “getting people to vote for you” part, maybe she did.

Of course, the Globies are blaming Warren’s loss on sexism. And who’s more sexist than Massachusetts’ Democrats, right? Except maybe the misogynists of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine — the other New England states where Warren’s campaign stunk up the joint.

With 94% of the vote reported late yesterday, Warren had won a total of 12 Massachusetts cities and townships. Out of 351. Ah, yes, those right-wing Democrats in Concord, Newton and Natick just couldn’t bring themselves to vote for a woman.

Or put another way, more than a million members of the Massachusetts “He-Man Woman-Hater’s Club” turned out to NOT vote for a Elizabeth Warren.

And as Tyler O’Neil adds at the PJ Mothership, “Not only did Warren lose her own state but she took third place, behind both the ostensible moderate Biden and the socialist Bernie Sanders. If a presidential candidate cannot win her own state, how can she convince voters in other states to support her?”