RED THROUGH AND THROUGH: Former Prisoner Recalls Sanders Saying, ‘I Don’t Know What’s So Wrong’ With Cuba.

American Alan Gross, a prisoner in Cuba for five years during the Obama administration, is accusing Sen. Bernie Sanders of commending the communist country when he came to visit him behind bars.

Sanders visited Cuba as part of a congressional delegation in 2014, along with Sens. Heidi Heitkamp and Jon Tester.

During the one-hour meeting, Sanders told the prisoner that he didn’t understand why others criticized Cuba, Gross said in an interview with NPR.

“He said, quote: ‘I don’t know what’s so wrong with this country,’ ” Gross recalled.

Sanders’ campaign declined to comment about the meeting with Gross, and Tester said he did not recall the discussion.

Plus: “The first year of my captivity was akin to sensory deprivation because I saw about 20 minutes of sunlight during the first year.”