REMEMBER: You are not really Black, Gay or a Woman unless you toe the Party Line. Gay conservative and thoughtful writer Chadwick Moore gets the gulag treatment from Facebook:

“In October, I received a 30-day ban for ‘hate speech,’ after I shared a link to my Spectator column titled ‘Rednecks are the least racist people in America.’ The column pulled heavily on research from philosopher Thomas Sowell and historian Colin Woodard and my own self-deprecating stories about growing up in cracker culture in Greater Appalachia…I appealed that ban a whopping six times and each time, sometimes within seconds, I was notified by Facebook that, upon studied and serious review from a Facebook speech agent, sharing my own column published in a well-respected magazine about how rednecks aren’t racist is, inarguably, hate speech.”

Time to re-write Section 230.