● Shot: Anne Frank’s Family Was Thwarted by U.S. Immigration Rules, Research Shows.

—Headline, the New York Times, yesterday.

● Chaser:

A new exhibition at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Americans and the Holocaust, explores Americans’ knowledge of and responses to Nazism, war, and genocide. An unstated question runs through the photographs, films, and artifacts: What explains FDR’s apparent indifference to the plight of the Jews? If he’d had complete freedom to act without concern for the political consequences, what would he have done? Visitors leave the museum without answers.

Roosevelt didn’t address these issues publicly, but confidential files kept in his personal safe in the White House and released to the public decades after his death, as well as correspondence in his personal files, provide valuable clues. They make it clear that the question of where to settle the Jews had been on FDR’s mind for years. While he was uncertain about whether they would be better off on the slopes of the Andes or the savannahs of central Africa, there was one place he knew he didn’t want them: the United States of America.

New Documents Reveal FDR’s Eugenic Project to ‘Resettle’ Jews During World War II, Tablet Magazine, April 30.

Linking to the Tablet article, fellow Insta-co-blogger David Bernstein wrote, “My grandparents cried when FDR died — that was the wrong reaction.”