TITLE IX IS OFF THE RAILS:  Shep Melnick’s The Transformation of Title IX:  Regulating Gender Equality in Education is now available on Amazon.  I was particularly intrigued by one of the back cover notes:

For those of us who still pin our hopes on the American civil rights tradition, this book is a disturbing call to account.  Melnick unravels the convoluted process by which Title IX became a barrage of mandates detached from any constitutional or statutory roots and oblivious to the law’s goal of increasing educational opportunity for women and girls.  His smart and compelling critique suggests a way forward:  follow the Administrative Procedure Act and keep your eyes on the prize.–Deborah Stone, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Brandeis University.

Nobody should have needed Melnick’s book to tell them that Title IX has gone off the rails.  But his book is invaluable for explaining how and why.