Throughout the primary and general elections, Strzok and Page repeatedly demonstrated hostility to then-candidate Trump and Republicans in general. Page called Trump a “loathsome human,” before writing “I can not [sic] believe Donald Trump is likely to be an actual, serious candidate for president.” Strzok called Trump “an idiot” and opined Clinton “should win 100,000,000 – 0.” Strzok and Page also used expletives to describe Trump. Page also expressed disdain for Americans participating in the 2016 March for Life, writing that she “truly hate[s] these people.” Strzok called Virginians who apparently voted against FBI Deputy Director McCabe’s wife for a local Senate seat “ignorant hillbillys [sic].” These statements raise questions about whether personal political bias may have affected the FBI’s investigation.

“Those ‘ignorant hillbillies,’” adds Twitchy, “would be the voters who decided not to send Andrew McCabe’s wife Jill McCabe, a Democrat, to Virginia’s state legislature in 2015.”

As Glenn noted last month, “America — and the West in general — has been ruled by people who, at core, don’t very much like the countries they rule. But they do like ruling them, and will do anything they can to keep doing it.”