YES. Tesla’s make-or-break year? 2018 will test Elon Musk.

After years of bragging about its advanced manufacturing techniques, the Silicon Valley automaker faces a reality check when it comes to making its first mass-market car, the Model 3 electric sedan.

With output failing by a wide margin to meet Musk’s promise of 5,000 vehicles per week by the end of December, Tesla could be facing a make-or-break 2018 The new year may determine whether the company will need to again go hunting for cash and whether it maintains its leadership position in electric vehicles.

Speeding the rollout of the mass-market Model 3 is essential to Tesla’s financial health after the company lost several million dollars per day in the third quarter in its rush to begin manufacturing.

“Is this the year investors will say, ‘Enough’s enough,’ or will they continue to fund Tesla?” analyst Michelle Krebs said. “That’s the big question. I suspect investors would continue funding them if they see progress on the Model 3.”

Customers, too. Tesla has taken $1,000 deposits from hundreds of thousands of Model 3 buyers, and eventually those customers will expect to take delivery of their cars — or of refund checks.