Is My Yoga Cultural Appropriation? What to Do About It.

—The Huffington Post, February 9, 2016.

Catholic college in Kansas wipes ‘yoga’ from names of classes — it’s a Hindu thing.

—The Kansas City Star, yesterday.

And note these mocking paragraphs in the Star’s article:

College spokesman Stephen Johnson said that starting this fall, both recreational classes and for-credit exercise classes that once taught yoga will likely still be taught the same way, but instead will be rebranded as “lifestyle fitness.”

“We’re changing the name,” Johnson said.

The move to recast the practice of yoga, with positions like upward dog and downward dog, into classes of more generic stretching and breathing exercises has landed the college of 2,000 students in something of a doghouse.

Yes, to borrow a line popular at Faber college, they f***ed up; they trusted the SJWs, hoping that appeasement would sate the beast.

Related: “The greatest threat to the liberal international order comes not from Russia, China, or jihadist terror but from the self-induced deconstruction of Western culture.”

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): Reader Anthony Crifasi emails:

Glenn, I’m a member of the faculty at Benedictine College. I think you may have misread the Kansas City Start article – this wasn’t to avoid cultural appropriation or appease SJW’s. (The college practically has no SJW’s – it’s one of the most conservative religious colleges in the country.) It was in response to certain RELIGIOUS concerns about yoga from conservative CHRISTIANS.

I repeat, this had absolutely nothing to do with appeasing SJW’s or avoiding cultural appropriation at all – quite the opposite.

So noted.

UPDATE (From Ed): Yes, of course. I was poking fun at the (presumably left-leaning) journalist at the Kansas City Star for giving the college grief, despite their effort to do something that also placates the SJW crowd.