UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES: How Donald Trump Shot The Gun Industry In The Gut.
Unfortunately, Trump’s win has had the unintended consequence of throwing the firearms industry into a deep slump, forcing major companies to lay off workers, driving prices deep into the red, and forcing some gun dealers out of business. While the Obama years might have been a dark time for gun rights, the Democrat president was a boon for gun retailers and manufacturers (a fact Obama has admitted himself). Each time the needle ticked further in the direction of gun restriction, Americans flocked to their local gun store and plunked down cash for more irons.
The industry swelled because of the “panic buying,” with new manufacturers popping up, old names in the industry swelling their ranks, and more new gun owners pushing into demographics with previously tepid interest.
After buying an AR-15 last summer for the express purpose of annoying Senator Joe “Due Process Is Killing Us” Manchin, I held off on any further purchases. But I did get a very nice deal last week on a tiny Ruger LCP II.
It’s a buyer’s market, but the good times won’t last forever.