Announcer: It’s time for “The Franken & Davis Show”, starring Al Franken and Tom Davis. And now, here’s Al and Tom!

[ dissolve to Al and Tom standing on stage ]

Al Franken: Thank you, thank you! Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It’s GREAT to be back!

Tom Davis: That’s right. And, tonight, we’d like to stick our necks out a little bit on national television, and call for a violent overthrow of the United States government! [ he bows, as the audience applauds ]

Al Franken: Thank you! Thank you! You see, besides being a professional comedy team, Tom and I are international Communist revolutionaries… and we believe that nothing can really be changed in this country, through the Democratic process! [ brief applause ] Oh, thank you! We’re glad a lot of you feel that way!

—Excerpt from the “Franken & Davis Show” sketch on the October 21st, 1978 episode of Saturday Night Live.

But these were suddenly unfunny days. A shellshocked aura was cast over Capitol Hill, particularly among Democrats. I went to see Franken in his Senate office on a rainy Tuesday as lawmakers were trickling back to town after Thanksgiving. They convened in caucus meetings and hallway quorums that became commiseration sessions. Since Nov. 8, Washington has felt like a fortressed village bracing for a guerrilla invasion.

—“Al Franken Faces Donald Trump and the Next Four Years,” the New York Times, today. (Don’t miss the Schadenfreudelicious photo atop the article.)

Franken was a longtime cog in the machine that SNL creator-producer Lorne Michaels built that utterly changed the tone of NBC and much of old media as well, which created the all-snark-all-the-time response towards what the DNC-MSM contemptuously dubbed “flyover country.” I wonder if either man feels any guilt over the rise of the Trump?

