While Democrats beat their breasts over Trump’s attack on the Khans as somehow an attack on member of the military who died honorably fighting for the country, James Taranto reminds us of a prominent Democrat who publicly criticized honorable American servicemen and has never apologized.

But do you remember John Kerry?

He launched his public career in 1971 by testifying to a series of outrageous slanders against American servicemen. Subsequently he was elected lieutenant governor of, and U.S. senator from, Massachusetts. He was the Democratic nominee for president in 2004, when he presented himself as a war hero.

Kerry has never apologized for his calumnies against his fellow Vietnam veterans, which the liberal media played down as he was pursuing the Democratic nomination. When a group of vets eventually called him out on it, Democrats and journalists smeared them.

In 2013 Kerry left the Senate after the president nominated him as secretary of state. If by Obama’s standards Trump is unfit to serve because of his obnoxious comments, how is Kerry fit?

It gets worse — $400 mil in cash to Iran worse. Read the whole thing.

(Classical reference in headline.)