FEMINISTS OUTRAGED AT ADOBE FOR DEMOING PHOTOSHOP ON A WOMAN: As I tweeted to Mollie Hemingway of the Federalist earlier this week, in contrast to the Twitter outrage mob pounding their high chairs* after Apple added a new feature to broaden smiles in photos and demonstrating it (quelle horreur!) on a photo of an attractive model, I don’t recall a word of anger — or any comment whatsoever — when Adobe quietly introduced their similar “Puppet Warp” feature as part of Photoshop CS5 back in 2010. On Twitter, I linked to this how-to video from Adobe back then explaining how the application worked:


Mollie was kind enough to add my tweet at the end of her article the Federalist today; as she writes:

That’s not a woman! That’s a hot black dude!

Oh dear, what should we take away from this? Is it that the bad white man is telling the black man to smile? Or is it that Adobe is a product marketed using pictures of both attractive men and attractive women, and that retouching is not a patriarchal plot.

Heh. As Mollie tweeted on Wednesday, “Congratuls to Apple for successfully trolling feminists into making everyone aware of Adobe’s iPad Pro capabilities. Everyone gets a raise.”

* “I remain awed by the capacity of people to be outraged at ‘outrage culture.’” We apologize for any outrageously outrageous outrage this phrase may have triggered within you.