Archive for 2018

OPEN THREAD: Run with it.


The president has nobody to blame but himself for this latest mess. Manigault had no business being in the administration in the first place (one suspect she was merely window dressing), and certainly evinced no sense of the seriousness with which she should have taken her job. But who needs honor when self-aggrandizement pays better? It’s taken Trump nearly two years to even begin to rid himself of his fondness for some of his old media chums, and to understand that in the Borgian shark tank of politics the only thing that matters to most “public servants” is money, power, and career advancement — by, as the Left constantly reminds us, “any means necessary.”

Read the whole thing.

MSM NARRATIVE FAIL:  ‘Unite the Right’ Rally: White Nationalists March in D.C.

It’s not until the fifteenth paragraph that the New York Times bothers informing its readers of a crucial detail: “The Unite the Right group planned to have up to 400 people at the rally … though the group was considerably smaller.” So all this media hoopla for a few dozen losers, because it feeds into the media’s preferred narrative that Trump has brought us to the verge of racist-fascist takeover of the U.S.?

UPDATE: Even then, the Times isn’t being completely forthright. “Considerably smaller” apparently means around thirty people. My friend has more people than that playing role-playing games in his basement this weekend, but the MSM doesn’t seem interested in that.

MORE: The Times has now completely rewritten the story, now emphasizing the “low attendance” of around “two dozen.” Some of my local friends were literally scared for their safety because of the way the media all last week suggested that thousands of violent neo-Nazis were about to descend on D.C. Someone should be held accountable, but won’t.

RICHARD FERNANDEZ ON THE FILTERING OF SOCIAL MEDIA: “The best way to avoid being blindsided is to retain a robust broadband capability. But with the elites increasingly unwilling to entrust the deplorables with that responsibility and the rise of political correctness, the West can gradually lose the ability to listen to unfiltered signals, including ambient noise — and be fed nothing but pasteurized, fact checked and filtered narrowband output. While prior censorship will provide the public with the illusion that it is well-informed in reality the opposite will be true. They will be surrounded on every side by artificially created black holes in the water. We will eventually find out the monsters have been beside us all along, but too late.”

NEVER TRUST A “MALE FEMINIST:” “A prominent male feminist deferred a sociology award last week over what he called ‘rumors’ about his professional conduct, but now a former student of his is putting a name — and details — to the claims.”


The book starts with an arduous journey through a country Grinkeviciute and her fellow deportees don’t see as theirs (the USSR annexed Lithuania in 1940, and mass deportations began shortly before the German invasion the following year). They are brought to Siberia and left on an island with no vegetation, where they have to build a fish processing factory — but first, a place for themselves to live. Starvation, hard labour and diseases are such that many don’t make it through the winter, and those who do are reduced to a pitiable state, constantly looking for anything that can be burned or eaten. ‘We are not cattle, we’re people,’ Grinkeviciute repeats as she records it all. ‘Nor must we ever forget it.’

Reading the book, it is hard to decide what’s more horrific: to go through this everyday hell when you are ‘14 going on 20’, or to relive it when you are 20 and waiting for the nightmare to start again. Is the author a survivor trying to deal with her trauma, or a writer capable of saying things that cannot be imagined?

Flash-forward to the 21st century, and totalitarian socialist regimes continue to be totalitarian socialist regimes: “Gay McDougall, a member of the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, cited estimates that 2 million Uighurs and Muslim minorities were forced into ‘political camps for indoctrination’ in [China’s] western Xinjiang autonomous region.”