Archive for 2017

NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM WOULD HAVE FILED SUIT OVER THE CLINTON FOUNDATION: An elite group of lawyers and lawprofs is suing President Trump for violating the Emoluments Clause. Quoth lawprof Ann Althouse: “Quite apart from the substantive merits of the claim, it’s hard to see how there are plaintiffs with standing to sue. How does the money paid in rent and hotel bills to the Trump organization cause concrete and particularized injury to anyone? You could say we are all injured by the possibility that commercial activities could influence the President’s decisions, but that’s the sort of generalized grievance that isn’t enough.”



PAUL MIRENGOFF: Trump At The CIA. “My go-to source for things CIA has told me that one must distinguish between CIA officialdom and CIA rank-and-file, especially the members of the rank-and-file who put their lives on the line for America. Some members of the brass, and certainly Brennan, can’t stand Trump. But judging from the reaction he received at Langley yesterday, many members of the rank-and-file likely hold a contrary view of the new president or, at a minimum, are taking a wait-and-see attitude.”

Related: Top-Level Intel Officers’ War Against Donald Trump Is Bad For The Country.


CNN’s resident anti-Donald Trump alarmist Brian Stelter took to his show, “Reliable Sources,” Sunday and issued his arguably most dire/bonkers warning about the president yet. “Do citizens in dictatorships recognize what’s happening right here right now,” he sneered, “Are they looking at the first two days of the Trump administration and saying, ‘Oh, that’s what my leader does?’” Stelter’s cries of despot were triggered by Trump doing what all politicians do, exaggerate their own performance.

Nahh – if Trump really were a dictator, CNN anchors would be falling all over themselves in praise of him.

ONE OF EZRA LEVANT’S REPORTERS WAS PUNCHED AT THE WOMEN’S MARCH. Ezra put the assailant’s picture on the Internet, offered a reward, and has identified him. “Please turn yourself into the nearest police department, and prepare for a massive civil lawsuit.” That’s how you do it.

Plus, “Even more incredibly, the NDP women standing right there, who saw the whole thing, immediately blocked Sheila, and helped the thug scurry away. They sided with the male criminal, against the female victim.” It’s like all this feminism stuff is just lefty propaganda.

SO THIS IS A LEAK, PRESUMABLY WITH AN AGENDA. BUT IT’S PAST TENSE, WHICH SUGGESTS THAT THEY “INVESTIGATED” BUT DIDN’T FIND ANYTHING. Counterintelligence agents have investigated communications by President Trump’s national security adviser, including phone calls to Russian ambassador in late December. And this isn’t exactly a gripping story: “It isn’t clear when the counterintelligence inquiry began, whether it produced any incriminating evidence or if it is continuing.”

Maybe there’s some actual news out there somewhere, but it’s not here. If there’s a serious investigation, this leak is unprofessional. And if there’s not a serious investigation, this leak is unprofessional.

HEH: “Maybe Trump was right. The Green Bay Packers are being murdered in Rep. John Lewis’s congressional district and no one is doing anything.”


TALKED WITH THE BBC ABOUT TRUMP AND THE PRESS. The interview will be online in a few hours and I’ll post a link then. But they really loved the sound from my Blue Yeti mic. That’s been the general reaction, but since they’re big sticklers for audio quality I was especially pleased.

ADRIANA COHEN: No hats off to rallies’ huge double standard.

Of course none of these women were up in arms and protesting when Hillary “went low” by calling Republicans “deplorables” and comparing conservatives to “terrorist groups.” Liberal women everywhere gave her a pass. They also looked the other way when she didn’t walk the walk when it came to advocating for equal pay for women while serving as a U.S. senator for New York. Senate financial expenditures show Hillary gave the majority of the top-paying jobs to men.

Under Hillary’s watch, women made 72 cents on the man’s dollar — a fact that didn’t result in widespread demonstrations.

These “pussyhatters” also gave President Obama a monumental pass for failing women economically.

Under Obama’s watch, more than 2 million women fell into poverty, according to 2014 Census Bureau reports. The Obama administration also failed to put “equal pay” into practice over the last two terms. But these left-wing women — with their blatant double standards — chose to turn their rage against Trump instead.

That’s the goal.


The South African political observer R. W. Johnson wrote in 2001 that the left-wing parties of post-colonial Africa shared what he called a “common theology”:

They do not merely represent the masses but in a sense they are the masses, and as such they cannot really be wrong. Second, according to the theology, their coming to power represents the end of a process. No further group can succeed them for that would mean that the masses, the forces of righteousness, had been overthrown. That, in turn, could only mean that the forces of racism and colonialism, after sulking in defeat and biding their time, had regrouped and launched a counter-attack.

Johnson had in mind formerly “progressive” parties such as the Zimbabwe African National Union-Popular Front (Zanu-PF) and South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC). But his description could apply just as easily to Obama’s Democrats.

Read the whole thing, which is a reminder that bad things (and bad luck) inevitably result when an ideology replaces religion with politics, even if they’ve forgotten the words, “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

HEH: ‘Everybody Says How Cool I Am.’ “Most public men strive to please an audience. It has been Obama’s good fortune to surround himself with an audience that wants to please him.” I wonder how that will pan out in the coming years.

ROGER KIMBALL: A Tale of Two Speeches:

Critics saw many malevolent things in Trump’s speech. I discerned a generous spirit tempered by realism about the way the world works and a sound appreciation of human psychology.  “At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America,” Trump wrote, “and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other.”

One of the most poisonous features of contemporary social life has been been the insinuation of political correctness into the academy and politics. It has stifled honesty and transformed principled disagreement into rancid heresy that must be stamped out, not argued with. Trump explicitly challenged that toxic development, insisting that “We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.”

Trump’s rhetoric reminded me a bit of Reagan’s first inaugural speech, in which he explicitly stated, “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” Those heretical words were considered dark and scary as well at the time by the Northeast Corridor’s Democrat elitists and the entrenched bureaucrats of DC.

READER BOOK PLUG: From Mark Kalina, Warrior.