Archive for 2016

SPENGLER: Deplorably, Trump Is Going To Win.

You can’t win an American presidential election without the deplorables’ vote. Deplorables are America’s biggest minority. They might even be the American majority. They may or not be racist, homophobic and so forth, but they know they’re deplorable. Deplorable, and proud. They’re the median family whose real income has fallen deplorably by 5% in the past ten years, the 35% of adult males who deplorably have dropped out of the labor force, the 40% of student debtors who deplorably aren’t making payments on their loans, the aging state and local government workers whose pension funds are $4 trillion short. They lead deplorable lives and expect that their kids’ lives will be even more deplorable than theirs.

Americans are by and large forgiving people. They’ll forgive Bill for cavorting with Monica “I did not have sex with that woman” Lewinsky in the Oval Office and imposing himself on any number of unwilling females. They might even forgive Hillary for losing tens of thousands of compromising emails on an illegal private server and then repeatedly lying about it in a way that insults the deplorable intelligence of the average voter. But the one thing you can’t do is spit on them and tell them it’s raining. They’ll never forgive you for that. They’re hurting, and they rankle at candidates who rub their faces in it.

Mitt Romney’s campaign was unsalvageable after the famous 2012 “47% remark,” by which he simply meant that the 47% of American workers whose income falls below the threshold for federal taxes would be indifferent to his tax cut proposals. The trouble is that these workers pay a great deal of taxes–to Social Security, Medicare, and in most cases to local governments through sales taxes and assessments. After a covert video of his remarks at a private fundraiser made the rounds, Romney spent the rest of the campaign with the equivalent of an advertising blimp over his head emblazoned with the words: “I represent the economic elite.” Clinton has done the same thing with the cultural elite.

First the deplorables, then the “pneumonia” thing. If I were Trump, I’d be worried that the Dems will pull Hillary out and put in somebody fresher (well, that would be anybody) and harder to beat (well, that would be anybody).

HMM: “The media elites are in a panic. They witnessed the meltdown of their candidate in broad daylight and can feel that shiver up their spine…”

Whether Trump wins or loses, his candidacy so far has revealed deep failures within the Republican Party, the media, and American politics in general. There are important lessons to be learned here, and important people who will be careful not to learn them.

But it’s not just the GOP. From the comments to the first piece:

Many people see the choice of Donald Trump as the Republican nominee as a disaster for the Republican Party. Maybe. That out of the chaos of 17 Republican candidates we get Trump because of a disconnect between the Republican base & the money-men is one thing. But, for the entire Democratic political & cultural establishment to get together & choose Hillary as their only possible standard-bearer is a rot of an entirely more profound order. The fact that within the Democratic Party the only faction that resisted Hillary’s spell was the space-cadet Left under Bernie Sanders just makes the total picture all the more horrifying.

Yep. Trump’s a symptom, not the disease. Ditto Hillary.


NEXT STOP, THE NFL! Endless Social Justice Commentary Killed ‘Ghostbusters’, Liberal Media Admits. “When talking with comedy-minded female friends who skipped the movie, I kept hearing the same thing: A person’s position on the movie and his or her decision whether to see it, had come to feel like taking a political position. For moviegoers who consider lighthearted movies a chill thing to do after a stressful week of work—which is to say, most moviegoers—that’s not the sort of mind-set you want your expensive summer action-comedy to engender. Seeing Ghostbusters ceased to feel like a fun, breezy summertime decision.”

Yeah, who could have seen that coming?

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Married teacher ‘was caught having a tryst with student, 15, after their SEX TAPE was shared around the school.’ “Charlaina Lee Wilson, 33, of Knoxville, Alabama, is charged with rape, sodomy, transmitting obscene material to a child by computer and distributing material harmful to minors, according to Selma police. Authorities say Wilson had sex with the student multiple times at different locations – including school grounds and on field trips. The relationship is thought to have been going on for a year.”

I’m grateful it wasn’t Knoxville, Tennessee.

NEW EVIDENCE REBUTS NOAM CHOMSKY’S UNIVERSAL, HARD-WIRED GRAMMAR THEORY: The article’s from Scientific American and it’s long and detailed.

But here’s a basic summary. A child learning a

…first language does not rely on an innate grammar module. Instead the new research shows that young children use various types of thinking that may not be specific to language at all—such as the ability to classify the world into categories (people or objects, for instance) and to understand the relations among things. These capabilities, coupled with a unique hu­­­man ability to grasp what others intend to communicate, allow language to happen. The new findings indicate that if researchers truly want to understand how children, and others, learn languages, they need to look outside of Chomsky’s theory for guidance.

Another telling graf:

…evidence has overtaken Chomsky’s theory, which has been inching toward a slow death for years. It is dying so slowly because, as physicist Max Planck once noted, older scholars tend to hang on to the old ways: “Science progresses one funeral at a time.”


A key flaw in Chomsky’s theories is that when applied to language learning, they stipulate that young children come equipped with the capacity to form sentences using abstract grammatical rules. (The precise ones depend on which version of the theory is in­­voked.) Yet much research now shows that language acquisition does not take place this way. Rather young children begin by learning simple grammatical patterns; then, gradually, they intuit the rules behind them bit by bit.

Learn by doing. So kids need the freedom to learn by doing? Do I get this right– language acquisition is a kind of experimental enterprise? A free enterprise that incorporates a mix all kinds of skills and capabilities human beings possess, even very young ones?

Empirical evidence is undermining Chomsky’s explain-it-all theory. Even Chomsky’s “revised” theory doesn’t explain the data. Which leads to a discussion of Chomsky’s equally well-known hard left political activism. Empirical evidence — measured in dead bodies and poverty– showed Communism doesn’t work. Chomsky created to his own language theory and of course still subscribes to it. As one of the American Left’s leading thinkers, Chomsky calls himself a “libertarian socialist.” He says he’s not a Communist but various brands of Marxism impress him, deeply. In 2003 article on Chomsky’s economics, noted “One of Noam Chomsky’s favorite journals when he was young was called Living Marxism.” Like Marx he opposes “…the private ownership of the means of production, which he believes permits “elite groups” to “command resources.” Elite groups — like the faculty at MIT, Noam? Here’s a Chomsky comment on Marx’s value — abstract theories clearly appeal to the man. Chomsky seeks a Marxist post-capitalist society but a Marxism without the authoritarianism.

How quaint. How utterly imaginary and disconnected from reality. Note Chomsky also believes violence usually works. Gee, as the article said, ole Noam believes a lot of things, doesn’t he? Let’s note there is a huge difference between the death of Chomsky’s academic theory and Communism’s death toll, which is somewhere around a hundred million people. The Black Book of Communism estimated 94 million.

Unfair of me to go after Chomsky? No. In the core of his pompous hard left academic being, Chomsky is an America hater of the worst sort. His status as a premier linguist — the genius who came up with The Theory of Language Acquisition– gave him global prestige and standing. He used it to hate and berate the free society that gave him the privileged intellectual existence he’s enjoyed…Wait…Intellectual existence? A more accurate description is poseur existence, where ole Noam endlessly criticizes and shoots his mouth, hither, thither and yon. Chomsky rejects the charge he’s anti-American, but so what? The blinkered guy who criticizes everybody definitely lacks the faculty of self-criticism. Right after the 9/11 attacks David Horowitz hit him hard, and deservedly so. Note that Horowitz quoted a Chicago Tribune attribute that “Among intellectual luminaries of all eras, Chomsky placed eighth, just behind Plato and Sigmund Freud.” Horowitz also employed a great description of Chomsky’s America-hate “anti-American dementia.” Chomsky’s rank anti-Americanism has encouraged other America haters and in so doing has damaged our efforts to defend freedom and keep America secure. (See Thomas Nichols in The Anti-Chomsky Reader.) It is just deserts –so justly deserved– that this disgraceful man lives to witness the demise of his theory. All time Luminary Number 8? Heh.

WHAT KEEPS HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY JEH JOHNSON AWAKE AT NIGHT: According to NBC, Johnson believes coordinated 9/11-type terrorist attacks are less of a threat today. However, mass shootings (like San Bernardino or Orlando) are “upper most on our minds. It is the thing that keeps me up at night the most.”

Johnson used an interesting phrase to describe his worry. It’s very similar to what Donald Rumsfeld said in January 2001. Concern that intelligence would fail and America would suffer for the intel failure kept Rumsfeld awake.

Johnson is still confronting an intelligence problem.