Archive for 2014

NOT PULLING A LUGAR. GOOD. Cantor Will Vote For Brat. “Cantor, who lost to Brat despite outspending by a margin of 26 to 1, stressed the importance of keeping the Republican Party unified, a message he stressed to Tea Party conservatives in the House after the 2013 government shutdown.”

JOHN HINDERAKER: Smearing Scott Walker. If you’re a Republican who’s a threat to the Democrats, of course you’re a racist. That’s the definition of a racist, nowadays . . .

HOW TO beat Hillary.

IN THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, a nice review of Amy Alkon’s new book, Good Manners for Nice People Who Sometimes Say F*ck. “It may not be good manners to say such a thing, especially in this newspaper, but the title of this book s*cks. Once I started reading, though, I was drawn in.”