Archive for 2014

NEWS FROM MULTICULTURAL AMERICA: Man Charged With Killing Wife For Making Vegetarian Dinner. “Noor Hussain, 75, was so outraged over the vegetarian fare that he pummeled his wife, Nazar Hussain, 66, with a stick until she was a ‘bloody mess,’ according to prosecutors and court papers. . . . Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussain beat his wife — but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn’t intend to kill her. In Pakistan, Clark said, beating one’s wife is customary. ‘He comes from a culture where he thinks this is appropriate conduct, where he can hit his wife,’ Clark said in her opening statements at the Brooklyn Supreme Court bench trial. ‘He culturally believed he had the right to hit his wife and discipline his wife.'”

THIS IS WHO THEY ARE, THIS IS WHAT THEY DO: John Hinderaker: Making Hay While the Sun Shines: The Left Politicizes Elliot Rodger. “Once again, though, liberals are denied the holy grail of mass murderers–a conservative perpetrator, preferably a follower of the Tea Party. Rodger, like most of the others, was a devoted liberal. He followed the Young Turks on YouTube, a far-left group led by a goof named Cenk Uygur who once was an MSNBC host.”

Uygur’s a nice enough guy in person, but yeah, the lefties are playing their usual game. The difference is, people on the right aren’t acting cowed anymore. Well, except for Frank Luntz, and he’s kind of fragile lately. I also love the way that half-Asian/half-British Rodger is somehow transformed into a typical white American. That’s even better than the George Zimmerman “white Hispanic” transformation.

Plus: “Beyond that, some might argue that Rodger was a prototypical liberal male, only carried to a pathological extreme. Consider the profile: socially awkward, convinced of his own brilliance but not notably successful in life, hungry for revenge against those who have done better despite their obvious inferiority, eager to gain power over others, but through political influence rather than firearms–is this not a typical liberal on Twitter, or elsewhere on the internet? Or, for that matter, in the Obama administration? Isn’t state power the legal path to the long-awaited revenge of the liberal nerds? This strikes me as a plausible suggestion.”

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: The Purge Arrives at the University of Virginia: PC Thugs versus Douglas Laycock. Professor Bainbridge writes: “It’s time to start fighting back. There have to be consequences for people like Heather Cronk, Greg lewis, and Stephanie Montenegro or the day will come when they and their ilk will have successfully silenced the rest of us.” Yep.

My money’s on Laycock, though. I highly recommend his excellent — and prescient — Vicious Stereotypes in Polite Society. (Bumped).

CARL CANNON: Condi Rice and the Graduation Gag Order. “It’s unfair to the vast majority of U.S. college communities that held heartening graduation exercises this spring, but the 2014 graduation season will be remembered for the anti-intellectual thuggery that marred ceremonies at various Eastern schools.”

THE GANG THAT CAN’T SHOOT STRAIGHT: White House PR Move Mistakenly “Outs” CIA Station Chief In Afghanistan.

So this is a lot worse than the Plame thing, right, where Richard Armitage outed a non-covert desk jockey and somehow Scooter Libby was punished. Can we expect the same degree of press attention? Note how the Post invokes the Plame story in the carefully-worded-to-mislead second paragraph, even while giving the White House the soft treatment here.

From the comments:

What stunning incompetence!

For your stupid or dishonest reporter’s information, it was Richard Armitage, Colin Powell’s top deputy, who exposed Valerie Plame’s identity to the late journalist Robert Novak. Armitage and Powell kept his role secret while Cheney and Libby were being falsely accused of doing what your reporter falsely claims. The record is unambiguous on this point. Armitage now admits that he was the leaker.

Doesn’t fit the narrative. The reporter’s name is Greg Miller. Note how his description is worded to give a false impression, but allow a weasely response to critics: “The only other recent case came under significantly different circumstances, when former CIA operative Valerie Plame was exposed as officials of the George W. Bush administration sought to discredit her husband, a former ambassador and fierce critic of the decision to invade Iraq.”

YES, PLEASE: Fight Illness With Fist-Bumps Over Handshakes. I was in the hospital with my Dad a while back, and every doctor who came into the room wanted to shake hands and I was thinking it was a bad practice for infection-control. On this, I agree with Donald Trump.

RULE OF LAW: “The Supreme Court has been quietly revising its decisions years after they were issued, altering the law of the land without public notice.”

Congress has the power to police this, under its power to “make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.” It could, for example, require final copies of opinions to be deposited with the National Archive before those decisions take effect, with revisions made only if the Archivist is involved.

I GUESS I SHOULD CHANGE MY PASSWORD: Can The Nervous System Be Hacked? “In September 2011, SetPoint Medical began the world’s first clinical trial to treat rheumatoid-arthritis patients with an implantable nerve stimulator based on Tracey’s discoveries. According to Ralph Zitnik, SetPoint’s chief medical officer, of the 18 patients currently enrolled in the ongoing trial, two-thirds have improved. And some of them were feeling little or no pain just weeks after receiving the implant; the swelling in their joints has disappeared.” Faster, please.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: A Beginner’s Guide To Repaying Student Loans.

Too many people, including plenty of brand-new college graduates, fall far behind on their student loan payments for no good reason.

How many? The Department of Education does not supply much data on late payments. But the student loan expert Mark Kantrowitz, using data from lenders, estimates that between one-quarter and one-third of borrowers are late paying their first student loan bill.

It can get worse as the days and years go by. Last year, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, using 2012 data from the credit bureau Equifax, determined that 35 percent of people under 30 who were supposed to be making student loan payments each month were actually 90 or more days delinquent.

Whatever the numbers, they add up to a normalization of tardiness that can damage the credit scores of young adults. And one big reason it’s happening is the fact that many among the indebted simply aren’t sure how many loans they have, how and when to pay them back correctly and how to find and use programs for people who can’t afford the full payments.

Some useful advice, and a calculator. And note this: “Let us pause for a moment to state the plain fact that the entire college financing system is a national disgrace. College costs are high, universities don’t counsel undergraduates well enough, families get in over their heads, there are too many types of loans, the repayment options are dizzying, and lenders and the companies that collect the payments are sometimes bad actors. . . . Universities don’t always make loans easily comprehensible either. Lauren Asher, president of the Institute for College Access and Success, remembers getting a financial aid letter in graduate school with an acronym that was so confusing that she couldn’t tell whether it referred to a loan or a grant.”

CHANGE: GOP Looks Forward with New Agenda for Poor and Middle Class. “Republican lawmakers pitched an agenda focused on helping the poor and middle class Thursday that will likely serve as a platform for the November midterm elections and in the 2016 presidential race. The legislators discussed regulatory barriers for entrepreneurs and small businesses, education reform for both K-12 and higher education, tax penalties, and other issues that affect poor and middle-class Americans.”

Couple that with a campaign against crony capitalism and you’ve really got something.