Archive for 2013

FREE SPEECH ON AMERICAN CAMPUSES: University bans local newspaper for promoting drinking.

Gee, I hope I didn’t get the Wall Street Journal in trouble with this piece. Meanwhile, can we (1) fire university administrators who don’t understand free speech, and see that they’re forever blackballed in academia; and/or (2) return the drinking age to 18 where it belongs?

MCCLATCHY: NSA having flashbacks to Watergate era. “The National Security Agency is facing its worst crisis since the domestic spying scandals four decades ago led to the first formal oversight and overhaul of U.S. intelligence operations.”

SECRETS OF ACING YOUR before-and-after photos even if they’re taken on the same day.

AT AMAZON, Up To 30% Off On Select Levi’s. Jeans, shorts, and more.

Also, a reminder: InstaPundit is an Amazon affiliate. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, including the “Shop Amazon” tab at the top or the searchbox in the right sidebar, you put a little money in my family’s pocket at no cost to yourself. Just click on the Amazon link, then shop as usual. It’s much appreciated!

BARNEY FRANK THINKS HOUSE OF CARDS IS UNREALISTIC. A reader emails: “Hey, how about a plot line where an obese, snarky congressman who always has to be the smartest guy in the room gets in trouble because his hustler boyfriend is running a gay brothel out of his apartment? Added twist, he convinces the nation that his housing bubble pop was the other party’s fault. Then there’s the time another boyfriend is busted for pot cultivation, and the world’s smartest congressman/pot legalization advocate, present when the cops show up, claims he doesn’t even know what pot looks like … Nah, no one would believe it. Memo to HOC, write in Barney, please.” Heh.

PALEOISTA is a blog about all things Paleo.

ANSWERING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS: Should You Install a Dash Cam? “They’re all the rage in Russia (thanks to rampant insurance fraud), but dashboard cameras have yet to become a big deal in the U.S. Is that about to change?”

CAN HILLARY CLINTON SURVIVE BENGHAZI? “Well, sure: she’s a Democrat. That’s the easy, cynical response, and let’s face it–it’s probably right. Still, by any normal standard Benghazi would be considered a career-ending debacle. Four men, including one of her own ambassadors, were murdered on Hillary’s watch, after they had pleaded with her State Department for better security. The cable denying the ambassador’s request for better protection went out over Hillary’s signature.”