Archive for 2012


CHANGE: Boys hitting puberty sooner. “The difference appears most pronounced in African-American boys, who are starting to see the first signs of puberty at 9.1 years. The average for Hispanic boys is 10 and 10.1 years for white boys, compared with the average age of 11.5 in previous studies.” There’s no clear cause.

THE SLIPPERY SLOPE OF HEALTH CARE RATIONING:  An eerie story at RedState about the “Pathway” end-of-life rationing program of the National Health Service.  As the story shows, once rationing is accepted, there is tremendous pressure to use it in a variety of contexts to control costs.

Obamacare, for example, will add an estimated 37 million people to the health care system– a massive increase in demand– without a concomitant increase in the supply of providers.  The result, inevitably, will be queues and other subtle, non-explicit rationing mechanisms such as significant reductions in provider reimbursement.


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MAMMOGRAM, PLEASE!:  In response to President Obama’s false claim that a reduction in government funding for Planned Parenthood would result in millions of women foregoing mammograms, a pro-life group, Live Action, decided to have 2,000 members call local Planned Parenthood offices to schedule the test.  Small problem: Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer mammograms (never has– it refers them out).

But I’m sure that government funding for Planned Parenthood is still necessary for some reason.  I mean, it’s not like private funders could keep it going or anything. It’s totally unpopular, especially with wealthy liberal types.

U.N. OFFICIAL ENDORSES OBAMA:  What a shocker!  LOL.  A U.N. Special Rapporteur, Ben Emmerson, says a Romney victory would be tantamount  to a “democratic mandate for torture.”  Of course, the word “torture” itself is inherently amorphous and subjective– one man’s “torture” is another man’s “enhanced interrogation.”  The bottom line is that sovereigns have an inherent right to protect their citizens, and interrogation–yes, even “enhanced” interrogation techniques– are one way to help achieve this goal, in the right set of circumstances.

NICK GILLESPIE: George McGovern, Libertarian Hero.

When you take a longer view of his career — especially after he got bounced from the Senate in 1980 during the Republican landslide he helped create — what emerges is a rare public figure whose policy positions shifted to an increasingly libertarian stance in response to a world that’s far more complicated than most politicians can ever allow.

Born in 1922 and raised during the Depression, McGovern eventually earned a doctorate in American history before becoming a politician. But it was as a private citizen he became an expert in the law of unintended consequences, which elected officials ignore routinely. He came to recognize that attempts to control the economic and lifestyle choices of Americans aren’t only destructive to cherished national ideals, but ineffective as well. That legacy is more relevant now than ever. . . .

He scandalized liberals in a 1992 letter to the Wall Street Journal, detailing his travails as the proprietor of a Connecticut hotel. Having sunk most of his savings into the venture, it went belly up, he said, partly because of a bad economy but also due to “federal, state and local rules that were all passed with the objective of helping employees, protecting the environment, raising tax dollars for schools, protecting our customers from fire hazards, etc.”

Lamenting his lack of business experience while he was a legislator and presidential contender, McGovern concluded that “ ‘one-size-fits-all’ rules for business ignored the reality of the marketplace.”

As he explained, “setting thresholds for regulatory guidelines at artificial levels — for example, 50 employees or more, $500,000 in sales — takes no account of other realities, such as profit margins, labor intensive vs. capital intensive businesses, and local market economics.”

In 2008, also in the Wall Street Journal, he attacked what he called “economic paternalism” from right-wing and left-wing politicians who were seeking to ban subprime loans and the pay- day lending business. Such laws don’t actually help people of limited means, he stressed, even as they reduce everyone’s ability to deal with their finances. He also took aim at “health-care paternalism” that made it impossible for consumers to shop across state lines for insurance and stuck them with unwanted or unaffordable gold-plated plans. “I’ve come to realize,” he wrote, “that protecting freedom of choice in our everyday lives is essential to maintaining a healthy civil society.”

If only he’d run on this platform in 1972.

THERE ARE NO ATHEISTS IN CLOSE ELECTIONS: Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown writes in the SF Chronicle that Rev. Wright has been de-underbussed by President Obama:

“If Obama looks as if he’s going black, he could turn off white people. So he’s largely been lying low on the race issues – visibly pushing for the Latino vote, the gay vote, the women’s vote, but not the black vote. But last weekend, he held a conference call with a collection of black preachers that included his old pastor, Jeremiah Wright. He wanted to talk to them about getting out the vote.”

Note that this potentially juicy story is listed six paragraphs into an opinion piece; but then, burying damaging news for Mr. Obama rather than selling newspapers has long been the style at Chronicle.

SHOWING UP: 10,000 Rally For Romney-Ryan In Daytona Beach. Reader Steve Gosney writes: “Born and raised here in Daytona Beach, Volusia County which has been 60% democrat as long as I have been here. I have never seen the turnout in this county, estimated at 10,000 plus, for any political event. And it was organized in less than a week.”

Video here.