Archive for 2012

JOHN HINDERAKER COMPARES THE OBAMA PRESIDENCY TO SPINAL TAP. Well, I dubbed this the Nigel Tufnel Presidency a couple of years back.


I, FOR ONE, WELCOME OUR NEW ROBOT EMPLOYEES: New Wave of Deft Robots Is Changing Global Industry.

UPDATE: A reader emails:

If you choose to post please do it anonymously

In talking with many businessmen around the world I hear a common theme:

One of the major drivers of automation is workers’ comp claims, sick leave, sexual harassment suits, and all the myriad headaches that come with hiring anyone. Unions have brought so many demands for workers it is far simpler to avoid hiring anyone whenever possible. Many companies go to extreme lengths to avoid hiring more workers.

I would.

STACY MCCAIN: When The Truth Goes Viral. “Iowahawk’s observation — ‘Paul Ryan represents Obama’s most horrifying nightmare: math’ — is well on its way to becoming world famous, and may yet become the final epitaph on Obama’s presidency.”

It does seem to have gone viral, as the t-shirt in the photo leading Stacy’s post indicates. Plus, reader Kevin Sneeringer sends this:

A viral meme that now includes cats. That’s, like, double-viral.

UPDATE: Reader Michael Lonie writes: “Is the Obama Administration alive or dead? Only when the box is opened on November 6 can we tell.” I suppose we could call this “Sneeringer’s Cat.”

OKAY, THIS IS A VERY COOL STORY. And I totally agree with his objection to the iPad vs. the computer.

DOUBLE STANDARDS: Post-racial progressives count white faces at The Villages; President campaigns in ‘affluent’ 97%-white Windham, NH.

97% white? That’s almost as white as Obama’s Chicago Campaign headquarters. Too bad these folks can’t achieve the diversity of a Tea Party Rally.

UPDATE: Jeff Dobbs emails: “Have we so soon forgotten that Obama’s spiritual mentor, upon retiring moved to . . . . a community that is only 2% black and 93% white?

WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE ABOUT THIS STORY? A Playboy Model And Nanoscale Imaging. Of course, if you know much about digital imaging you’ll know which model already.

LOWER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: HOW EDUCATION POLICY HAS CHANGED. “Poor students were framed as trapped in failing schools, and needing parents to rescue them, in 2001. This is a reverse of the framing in 1965, when they were portrayed as trapped in culturally impoverished families and needing schools to rescue them.”

I love it that the researcher is named Emily Meanwell. See, if you put that in a novel, critics would call it heavy-handed and unrealistic.

PROGRESS WITH A BIRTH CONTROL FOR MEN, BUT WOMEN SAY THEY DON’T TRUST: Funny, women have expected men to trust them on these matters.

MICHAEL BELFIORE: How To Mine An Asteroid. “This year a group of aerospace veterans and investors—including Google’s Larry Page, filmmaker James Cameron, and X-Prize Foundation founder Peter Diamandis—announced an audacious venture: a company, Planetary Resources, dedicated to mining asteroids. Here’s the full story on their futuristic quest.”

MAN, OR MICROBE? LOOKS LIKE MICROBE. “The traditional view is that a human body is a collection of 10 trillion cells which are themselves the products of 23,000 genes. If the revolutionaries are correct, these numbers radically underestimate the truth. For in the nooks and crannies of every human being, and especially in his or her guts, dwells the microbiome: 100 trillion bacteria of several hundred species bearing 3m non-human genes. . . . It might sound perverse to claim bacterial cells and genes as part of the body, but the revolutionary case is a good one. For the bugs are neither parasites nor passengers. They are, rather, fully paid-up members of a community of which the human ‘host’ is but a single (if dominating) member. “