Archive for 2010

PLAYSTATION NETWORK PROBLEMS. If you’ve got one, I wouldn’t even turn it on until there’s more info, as the problem seems even to compromise offline play.


UPDATE: Reader Sam Dunkin writes: “I learned metric back in the ’60s studying physics. I’ll bet a LOT of people across this country don’t understand metric measurements. And as a good newscaster, (don’t know him, but presume he’s competent) he should get an English measurement figure for those folks.” Well, possibly, though I doubt he would extend the same courtesy . . .

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader C.J. Burch isn’t impressed: “A meter is about a yard. That ain’t hard to remember and Sanchez isn’t a good journalist.”

THE BRITISH P.O.W. WHO broke into Auschwitz — and survived. (Note: This is a cool piece, and entirely safe for work, but the blog it’s part of is not, so if you go beyond the linked page, realize that.)

ASSOCIATED PRESS: Democrats’ Obama Bounce in California Disappearing. “Even Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, widely viewed just six weeks ago as a shoo-in for re-election to a fourth term, now faces the toughest race in her 28 years representing California in Congress.”

IT’S A DIRTY JOB, BUT JOHN HINDERAKER HAD TO DO IT: dissecting Frank Rich. “The Tea Party is a highly diverse movement, but you will find very few Communists in it.”

WHATEVER THEY CAN THINK OF, I’D SAY: What Taxes Will States Turn To Next? The notion of just spending less doesn’t even occur to them. . . .


SUZE ORMAN SEXISM: I watched this, too, and her bombast, punctuated with over-emphasized “sirs” and “Joes,” made me think of Keith Olbermann as well. Maybe she’s a fan? Anyway, I’ve found her show, which I used to find amusing, too irritating to enjoy for a while now. Helen and I used to watch it together, but, frankly, it’s not even up to Oprah standards these days. In particular, she’s always telling women they should consider a divorce; it’s as if she’s got something against marriage.

INTOXILYZER FAIL: Problems with D.C.’s breath alcohol machines throw DWI cases into chaos. “Some police officers told The Examiner that that top brass kept them in the dark about the machines’ accuracy problems even while drunk driving cases were routinely being dropped. On Thursday night, after The Examiner began making inquiries into the matter, a top police official sent out a copy of the Fenty administration’s statement on the matter.” I wonder if there’s a more general problem?