Archive for 2010

O’REILLY BLOWS IT AGAIN. So I mentioned last week that O’Reilly’s comments on gun confiscation during an emergency flew in the face not only of the constitution, but of explicit federal statutory law. I just watched the followup episode on DVR and he doubled down on this position, never acknowledging the statute at all. I don’t know who’s briefing him on this stuff, but he’s now embarrassed himself twice in a row on the subject.

IS CONSERVATIVE THE NEW GAY? Not until people at CPAC start dressing better . . . .

MISLEADING HEADLINE: The New Scientist headlines it this way: Even in the virtual world, men judge women on looks. But, in fact, the study found that men were kinder to real women than to “overtly sexualized” CGI females. So a more accurate headline would be something like Men more empathetic to real women than to sexbots. But that doesn’t fit the stereotype, I guess.

NEW YORK TIMES: Millions of Unemployed Face Years Without Jobs. “Even as the American economy shows tentative signs of a rebound, the human toll of the recession continues to mount, with millions of Americans remaining out of work, out of savings and nearing the end of their unemployment benefits.”

GUN SAFETY ADVICE for Russ Carnahan.

UPDATE: Some question in the comments on whether the newspaper story is accurate, or whether this is a simulator. Should that matter, or should you follow good safety practices on a simulator, too? I’d give a pass on the eye and ear protection, I think, but not on the downrange-safety business — too easy to form bad habits. However, the story doesn’t say it’s a simulator and in fact seems to say the opposite.

CPAC STRAW POLL: Just one percent list stopping gay marriage as a top priority. Even abortion only made #5 on the list, and a distant #5 at that. Small-government fiscal conservatism seems to be the clear “big tent” on the right these days.

UPDATE: Oops, #5, not #4.

TURN ON YOUR TV if you want to watch a space shuttle landing. There won’t be many more chances . . . .

DID YOU MISS CPAC? Don’t worry — PJTV has it covered.

SO AS I MENTIONED A WHILE BACK, I ordered this Sony pocket camera the other day. It came on Friday, and while I think my Lumix is still the best small camera I’ve owned, the Sony is really excellent, especially in low light, and fits easily into a pocket. The HD video also seems to be pretty good. Here’s a sample photo.

GEORGE WILL: “[W]ith metronomic regularity, we go through these moments in Washington where we complain about the government being broken. These moments have one thing in common: The Left is having trouble enacting its agenda.”

Can I call ’em, or what?

UPDATE: Ed Driscoll: “Andrew Breitbart said at the Nashville Tea Party convention this month, the legacy media has two templates for coverage of Republicans and conservatives: Watergate and racism. Similarly, the MSM also has two templates for liberal presidents they wish to prop up: Camelot and gridlock.”

DEM HIRES PALIN TO SPEAK, Valerie Jarrett is not amused. But you can’t argue with star power: “A prominent Democrat is vice chair of a group paying Palin 100k to raise money for a parking lot. The speech sold out on the first day.”

MARKDOWNS ON MOBILE RADIO. Good for disaster-prep; GMRS requires a license, though, while FRS does not.