Archive for 2010

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: As counter-media fuels tea party movement, main stream media catches on.

UPDATE: Reader Kenneth MacDonald notes some racism:

One caller to C-Span – which aired nearly the entire convention – said the sight of primarily white and older self-described “patriots” frightened her. She said the gathering looked like a lynch mob.

Yeah, if you see a bunch of white folks and the first thing you think is “lynch mob,” you’ve got no business complaining about racism. Because, you know, you’re a racist.

But not everyone felt that way: “A Swedish radio reporter who sent an earnest piece back to Sveriges Radio on Friday, explaining how a modern-day tax revolt movement that appeared at first to be woefully fringe is looking more and more mainstream.” If only American progressives could be as free of racism as the Swedes . . . .

UPDATE: Splitting the liberals? Plus, various readers note that the event wasn’t any whiter than a Kos or Howard Dean meetup. . . ..

COLTS SUFFER the Kiss Of Death?

UPDATE: Reader Chris Martin writes: “Obama picked UNC to win the national title in basketball, and they did….so no, there’s no kiss of death…unless of course you’re a taxpayer making more than $250,000 a year…”

TENNESSEE TOWN TAKES DOWN TRAFFIC CAMERAS BECAUSE THEY’RE LOSING MONEY: Michael Silence comments: “But I thought the cameras were put up to save us from ourselves.” Only if it could be done at a profit. . . .

UPDATE: Reader Andrew Smith writes: “How funny would a suit against the city to force the cameras to remain – in the name of public safety? Double-edged sword, certainly, but forcing those companies into greater losses would be a thing of beauty.” Heh.

MORE ILLINOIS DEVELOPMENTS: Dem. Ill. lt. gov. candidate exits race amid furor. “The pawn broker and owner of a cleaning supplies company won the nomination Tuesday. Since then, it has become widely know that he was accused of abusing his ex-wife and holding a knife to the throat of an ex-girlfriend.”


WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: The Great IPCC Meltdown Continues.

When the glacier story broke, IPCC apologists returned over and over again to a saving grace. The bogus glacier report appeared in the body of the IPCC document, but not in the much more carefully vetted Synthesis Report, in which the IPCC’s senior leadership made its specific recommendations to world leaders. So it didn’t matter that much, the apologists told us, and we can still trust the rigorously checked and reviewed Synthesis Report.

But that’s where the African rain crisis prediction is found — in the supposedly sacrosanct Synthesis Report.

So: the Synthesis Report contains a major scare prediction — 50% shortfall in North African food production just ten years from now — and there is no serious, peer-reviewed evidence that the prediction is true.

But there’s more. Much, much more.

Read the whole thing.

MARK STEYN: “As Jonah and I have written here previously, ‘climate change’ is not only a scientific scandal but also a massive journalistic failure. . . . Like all the poodles of the environmental beat, Margot O’Neill repeats those magic words ‘peer review’ every couple of paragraphs like a talisman to ward off evil deniers. But, in the course of invoking the phrase ‘peer review’, she never bothers to look at whether the IPCC actually does it. By contrast, without benefit of the resources of a national TV news operation plus salary and benefits, lone blogger Donna Laframboise did a couple of text searches on the IPCC report and discovered multiple predictions of doom – on Himalayan glacier melt and much else – resting not on peer-reviewed science but merely on activist groups such as the World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace.”

MARK TAPSCOTT: Sarah Palin is miles ahead of every other politician in America.

Palin also demonstrated an understanding that the Tea Party movement must be independent of both major political parties, which share the blame for the country’s current morass, in order to be credible. She encouraged her Nashville audience “against allowing this movement to be defined by any one leader or any one politician. The tea party movement is not a top-down operation. It’s a ground-up call to action … it’s bigger than any king or queen of the tea party, and it’s a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter.”

UPDATE: A.C. Kleinheider is less impressed.

ANOTHER UPDATE: More thoughts from Jennifer Rubin.

MORE: Dan Riehl comments.

STILL MORE: Moe Lane: Speech Was A Rorschach test.

And here’s a roundup from Jack Lail.

LOTS OF VIDEO FROM THE TEA PARTY CONVENTION, including Sarah Palin’s speech from last night, is available here from PJTV.