XI’S GOTTA HAVE IT: U.S. intel says China’s Xi Jinping holds $1 billion in hidden wealth through family.
The report stated that as many as 65% of all government officials in China receive unofficial income through bribery or graft — despite more than a decade of anti-corruption efforts that have ensnared over 5 million Chinese Communist Party officials.
“Corruption is an endemic feature of and challenge for China, enabled by a political system with power highly centralized in the hands of the CCP, a CCP-centric concept of the rule of law, a lack of independent checks on public officials, and limited transparency,” the report said.
The report suggests that Mr. Xi’s high-profile 13-year campaign as president to stamp out corruption has been a failure.
The report suggests no such thing. It suggests Xi has been quite successful in making sure the graft goes to the right people.