THE NEW YORK TIMES FINALLY COMES CLEAN ABOUT COVID: It only took the newspaper five years to acknowledge what people had said since the beginning.

[The Times’ Zeynep Tufekci] wasn’t alone in reevaluating the mistakes of Covid; the NYT’s Apoorva Mandavilli did her share as well, writing “Science Amid Chaos: What Worked During the pandemic? What Failed?”

In May 2021, Mandavilli tweeted, “Someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not yet here.”

Now we know that intelligence services in the UK and the United States are of the belief that the virus originated in the lab in Wuhan instead of in the wet market nearby. It turns out the lab that was experimenting with the viruses unsafely may be the more likely culprit instead of bats flying thousands of miles, only to be eaten in that particular market in Wuhan, China. As my friends in the South say, “Well, blow me over with a feather.” It took five years for these experts to get here.

Mandavilli would like to know what failed during the pandemic. Our institutions, science, a myriad of culprits. But the bottom line failure was that of basic common sense, and the bravery to just plainly state objective facts. The emperor had no clothes, and it took the New York Times five years to say it aloud.

Funny how that keeps happening at the DNC-MSM.