JENNIFER SEY: The Five Year Anniversary of Lockdowns is Here and I’m Angry.

As philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke famously said in 1795: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

All those who did nothing are also responsible for the global human rights violations of the covid era. And of course the covid enthusiasts who acted as snitches, and joyfully targeted friends and neighbors for punishment deserve our ire. Beyond that you have those directly responsible, the media which utterly failed in their duty as the 4th estate resorting instead to publishing Big Pharma and government issues talking points as “news”; the medical community, with few exceptions; the academics; the teachers; I could go on.

The vaccine (and of course mandates — which people lost jobs over) have disappeared from public consciousness. I mean does anyone actually get that thing anymore?

We are still reminded of masks, as any good leftist protesting about anything — from Teslas and DOGE to “freeing Palestine” to protesting in favor of kids taking mutilating, life-altering hormones to “become” the opposite sex — dons one, still. It is the uniform of “good lefties” or what I would call the “unhinged.” Which it always was really.

There has been no denunciation of those that drove lockdowns and distancing and toddler masking. These public health bureaucrats should be run out of their jobs and never be allowed to set any policy (or “make recommendations”) again. Randi Weingarten should not have any job that has any bearing on children’s lives.

Sure Fauci has retired. But people like Barbara Ferrer (LA) and Sara Cody (Santa Clara county) still hold their positions after destroying small businesses and locking kids out of school for a year and a half and putting disrupted schooling in place for another year after that. And, of course, they force masked 2 year olds as well as speech delayed toddlers and hearing impaired adolescents. This was state sanctioned child abuse from the outset. So forgive me, but the modest acknowledgement that maybe we went too far, brings cold comfort.

I do not feel redeemed. I just feel angry, still, when I think about it. I mostly try not to.

So many kids’ lives were altered and harmed forever. So many milestones they can never get back. And if these concerns were raised at the time (remember drive through graduations?) parents were mocked for saying those things mattered. They were Karens and racists and murderers and selfish for thinking any of that mattered and every stupid vilifying name the idiotic covid hysterics could think of was trained on us.

QED: Watch Dr. Lena Wen Admit COVID ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ She Wanted to Imprison at Home Were RIGHT All Along.

Past performance, future results, etc. And it’s great to see the Bulwark still conserving conservatism so conservatively.