JULIO ROSAS: (No) Thanks For The Memories: Black Lives Matter Plaza Is Finally Gone.
As I said on my X account, it’s crazy to think a movement that fomented destructive riots for nearly a year, including in that very location, was rewarded with a plaza right outside the White House. People truly lost their minds that year, and many never recovered.
The health care profession lost a great deal of trust by enthusiastically endorsing such antics, only a few months after locking down the entire country: At the Apex of the Pivot.
As Greenwald wrote in his follow-up tweet, “That episode single-handedly destroyed trust in public health officials, proving they’d politicize their expertise when convenient. Corporate media celebrated a douchebag-lawyer shaming families at deserted beaches, then — overnight! — cheered densely packed street protests.”
Related: look Back In Anger: Nellie Bowles’ Morning After The Revolution Documents the Insanity that was 2020.