RUBIO EXPLAINS IT TO DEMS LIKE THEY’RE FIVE: Here’s Why Khalil and His Ilk Aren’t Welcome in the US.

Right on cue, Khalil’s detainment and likely deportation back to Algeria brought out the histrionics from Democrats and their lefty-loon base. How dare the Trump administration detain one of their own? Since the left is always ready to agitate, they merely removed their antisemitic slurs from their protest signs and replaced them with their boilerplate, anti-Trump sentiments. Remember, these are the people who can’t summon the will to applaud for a young cancer patient, but they’ve got all the energy in the world to advocate for a terrorist sympathizer who, as it turns out, has no right to be in the United States.

And this is something Secretary of State Rubio laid out beautifully on Wednesday, explaining to the left like they’re five years old that Mr. Khalil has more than earned his one-way ticket home.

Meanwhile, chutzpah alert:
