NATURE IS HEALING, GERMANY IS REVERTING TO FORM: Elections Over, German Government Launches National Snitch Line.

Excuse me – I should change that in the interest of being precise. Thanks to my naturally cynical nature regarding authoritarian European governments marching towards outright fascism, I only interpret it to be a ‘snitch’ line.

The Stas…there I go again. Dammit – it’s early.

The democratically elected German government is, in fact, launching a two-pronged effort – either online or by phone – to afford their citizens avenues for ‘advice’ on how to deal with conspiracy freaks. Those in their personal lives or even ones of accidental acquaintance who speak such strange and terrifying sentiments not approved by polite society that a good German might be…alarmed by the utterances. Or upsetting emails.

And not know where to turn for advice on how to respond, if they even should.

Don’t worry, I’m sure this will end better than the first two times it was tried – and unlike in 1933 and 1950, I’m sure the greatcoats will only be available in pleather.

Related: Meanwhile, over in Airstrip One: British PM Is Wrong, There Is No Free Speech In The UK.