ROGER SIMON: Deep State May Emerge as Greatest Financial Ripoff in World History.
Government spending transparency has simply not existed in any of our lifetimes, not even remotely. The legislators themselves have little idea on how money they authorize is ultimately spent. Most apparently don’t care—at least they act as if they don’t—as long as their patrons get their portion of the payout.
This especially goes for so-called liberals and progressives, even though they won’t admit it, whose pet projects have been secretly funded to astonishing degrees through cutouts and other means but with the money almost always used to line pockets (cf. Samantha Power, but she’s the least of it. NGOs in general have become the new featherbeds, far more lucrative than ever.)
No wonder we are in the midst of a Democrat legal hissy-fit with some union bosses (who better?) having found the usual complaisant judge, resembling a third-level Mafioso, to do their bidding, putting a hold on the investigation or part of it. It won’t last for a simple reason. The cat is finally out of the proverbial bag and the American people have already seen what has been going on—enough of us anyway.
The Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot here, seemingly having lost their ability to read public opinion. Anger can do that to you. Also they are fighting those nasty little things, facts and truth.
Related: Dems Threaten To Shut Down Govt To Stop Trump From Cutting Govt Programs.