THIS IS THE WAY: Sean Trende of Real Clear Politics writes, “what you’re increasingly seeing is a frontal assault on the institutions that buttress the left:

So in Trump’s first term, using a (pretty shaky, imo) interpretation of the 1st Amendment, we established you can’t kick a reporter out for his bias. The Right’s response now is “ok, fine, we’ll just flood the press corps with new right-of-center podcasters and bloggers. Give your statue of liberty speech in a room full of Alex Berensons and catturds and see how it goes over.”

You saw trickles of it with academia with moves on tenure in WI, but it’s a war in FL. “You won’t voluntarily diversify your faculty ideologically? We’ll do it for you, and in a far more severe way in the other direction.”

“And the diversity apparatus that we think is a cloak for hiring a bunch of far-left professors? That’s simply gone.”

“We can’t fire unfriendly civil servants? Fine, but we’re not going to roll over either. We’re going to make life as miserable for them as possible and give them every possible incentive to leave.”

Much more like this, please.