“ENJOY THE WATER”: Trump’s Gift to California is All Wet.

Droughts in California are a lot like famines in Africa: sure, bad stuff happens but the worst effects are entirely man-made. Crops fail, locusts swarm, and food certainly becomes more expensive. But to get a genuine famine, with scenes of mass starvation like we became depressingly familiar with in Ethiopia 40 years ago — that requires epic economic mismanagement, usually by local warlords who use food as a weapon to maintain political control.

I’ve come to believe that Sacramento Democrats use droughts to maintain political control, too. It’s impossible to scare a population into giving up their money and their freedoms for the sake of Gaia when cities aren’t burning down every now and then, and when there’s enough water for everyone to flush their toilets whenever the need arises. (I visited friends in the Bay Area in ’91 or ’92 when toilet flushing was strictly rationed — ugh.)

Enter, stage right: President Donald Trump.

Much more at the link.