A few propositions on the present moment:
- Someday we’ll look back on this period as we do 1950, with some demagogue saying, “I have in my hand a list of 57 genders and pronouns. . .” (With the due caveat that the first guy was more right than wrong. . .)
- What prompted this was an amazing self-own by Bruce Bartlett, a once-sound supply-side economist [who served in both the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations — Ed] who succumbed somehow to the precursor of Trump Derangement Syndrome—in his case, Bush Derangement Syndrome back in the aughts:
Answer: It isn’t different. Communists in both cases. (Though in fact a lot of the Communists in the federal government by 1950 had been quietly purged by the Truman Administration before Joe McCarthy got on to the issue. Truman had to cover up the extent of Communist penetration of the federal government because it would have been damaging to the Democratic Party in the 1948 election.)
So what’s the problem?
I’d ask if Trump is really going to go full Tailgunner Joe and have Woody Allen cancelled, but his fellow leftists already did that to him years ago.