A BILLION HERE AND A BILLION THERE…: U.S. made $161.8 billion in improper payments in 2024, enough to buy almost 2,000 military choppers.
Improper payments have been a significant issue for the federal government, with executive branches reporting an estimated $2.8 trillion worth since 2003, according to a report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
The report found a total of $161.8 billion in improper payments in 2024 alone. That figure is likely an undercount because not all federal agencies follow reporting guidelines.
Under the Payment Integrity Information Act, agencies are required to manage payments by identifying risks, taking corrective measures, and reporting on their efforts. However, the GAO found that some agencies are not fully following the required guidelines for reporting data annually.
The cost of last year’s improper payments alone would have gone a long way over a few years toward correcting our naval and air force deficiencies.