THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: The Biden Legacy Unmasked: If You Thought Antisemitism Was Bad Before, Hold Onto Your Yarmulkas.

Each year, the oldest generations cede new ground to the youngest. By the end of Trump’s second term, the Democratic Party will be — overwhelmingly! — anti-Israel.

It didn’t have to be this way.

During the first few years of the Biden administration, the moderate wing still had enough power to stave off the antisemites. Biden still had the stature to win the debate — and to defeat and discredit the Antifa-inspired radicals. He could’ve used his age to his benefit by describing the rising tide of Jew hatred in personal, emotional language, making it perfectly clear that there’s no place for antisemitism in the Democratic Party — and YES, treating Israel dramatically differently than you treat China (*cough* Tibet and the Uyghurs), Iran (*cough* terrorism), Russia (*cough* Ukraine), Cuba (*cough* human rights), and so on IS A FORM OF  ANTISEMITISM.

Back then, it was still a winnable debate.

But today, the political climate and Democratic demographics have shifted: The anti-Israel movement is ascending. The anti-Hamas opposition is dying out. And the impulse to define yourself by doing the opposite of Trump will be too irresistible to resist.

Which is why 2025 will be a banner year for antisemitism. And it’s also why 2026, 2027, and 2028 will be even worse.

That’s the final legacy of the Biden years: He mainstreamed antisemitism in the Democratic Party. And unlike most of his “legacy,” this one will last for decades.

John Gill smiles.