VICTORIA TAFT: Don’t Be a B-A** Like Karen.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass could take some lessons from Donald Trump. When a reporter asked a question at Thursday’s back-patting fire presser about why the city wasn’t prepared for the fire even though there was warning, she didn’t answer. She clumsily attempted to ignore and elide la pregunta.

But as they also say in Spanish, a language Bass knows because of her undying devotion to her El Jefe Fidel Castro, (yeah, she’s a commie as I report nearby), if you el answer-o las preguntas you can el-leavo the presser más rápido.

She didn’t do that.

Filled with hubris, with her system still filled with undigested Ghanaian food, the California Democrat couldn’t explain why she left town, faked that she was in town on X, and couldn’t explain herself.

Read the whole thing.