WASHINGTON POST STILL LOOKING IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR: WaPo Seeks Advice on Trump Coverage from Katie Couric, Don Lemon, and Lyin’ Brian!

Finally, it’s quite funny to turn to Lyin’ Brian Williams for journalism advice, but he turned the focus back on Biden:

It was crushing to watch so many working journalists attempt to generate the words to accurately describe a visibly struggling and diminished president, seemingly unable to complete a sentence or a thought in his disastrous and final debate.

Say it with me: It is perhaps the ultimate irony that the electoral collapse of the Democratic Party in 2024 was triggered in large part by the man who ran to save the country and democracy — the same man who then tried to stay too long at the fair.

They’re all upset that the “democracy savers” lost an election. If you’re asking Brian Williams for journalism advice, it’s like asking Biden for advice on when to quit.

The WaPo and the rest of the DNC-MSM aren’t quite ready to admit the role they played in propping up the 21st century equivalent of a post-stroke Woodrow Wilson: The Biggest Media Story of Biden’s Presidency. They failed to cover the cognitive decline of the commander in chief until it served them to do so.