Just a rant: 
LOOKING BACK (A bit long): I’ve studied an awful lot of history in getting a degree in political philosphy, and that through the very left-leaning CUNY school system. On reflection, it has become clear to me that anyone who uses the word “insurrection” descibing the idiocy of Jan. 6 has no idea what they are talking about.

Was it a riot? Yep. Were many of the particpants dopes? Yep. But read how John Adams, Robespierre, Lenin, Mao and Castro pulled off genuine “revolutions” and you’ll see that mobbing a capitol building isn’t even close. You need to control central information and transportation hubs, get the army to back you, and bring weapons.

None of that happened on J6. If you use the word “insurrection” to describe J6: You have zero credibility.