JUST NBC THE MEMORY HOLE! NBC’s Kristen Welker Pretends Media Had No Role in Hiding Biden’s Cognitive Decline.

The tell here with Welker is that she did not interrupt Schumer as he proceeded to respond to her question on Biden’s mental decline and Schumer’s own furtherance of the phony “sharp as a tack” narrative. Schumer was allowed to deflect and kill time undisturbed. No “to put a fine point on it” or “but that’s not what I asked”, as is her modus operandi with Republicans.

More importantly, Schumer was confronted only with his own statement. Welker did not bring up the devastating Wall Street Journal exposé (which specifically mentions Schumer’s visit with Biden in Delaware ahead of his dropping out of the presidential race) that confirms what we all suspected when it comes to Biden’s decline- that his fast fade was deliberately hidden from the American public. Welker offered no followup and moved to her next question.

The subsequent panel addressed Schumer’s remarks. Of note, former Biden campaign spokesperson and MSNBC host Symone Sanders-Townsend was allowed to run out the clock by quadrupling down on “sharp as a tack”, and running Trump whataboutism (click “expand” to view transcript):

Hey, remember when NBC and MSNBC anchors had a collective temper tantrum in March when NBC hired former GOP chairwoman Ronna McDaniel to be a fellow talking head? Good times, good times: NBC’s Chuck Todd Blasts Network as Backlash to Hiring Ex-RNC Chief Grows.

The tensions at NBC News demonstrate how tricky it can be for news networks to hire former politicians and Washington insiders as contributors—a common practice. While many hires provide insights into the inner workings of the government, there has been concern about the revolving door between news channels and politicos as well as partisan politics that creeps into analysis.

As Nick Arama wrote in March at RedState, “It’s pretty hilarious that any of these folks are upset about McDaniel, but they’re cool with the things like Russia collusion that MSNBC has spewed out over the years.”

And the burying of Biden’s mental decline by virtually the entire DNC-MSM. Will there be any reconning over their collective attempt to hide the decline?