TO BE FAIR, THE LEFT IS GOING FULL ORWELL ON MULTIPLE FRONTS THESE DAYS: The Left Goes Full Orwell to Rewrite Jimmy Carter’s Legacy.

When a historical figure passes away, it’s almost inevitable that there will be a concerted effort to paint him in a favorable light — after all, the old adage of “don’t speak ill of the dead” prevails. However, the attempt to rewrite Jimmy Carter’s legacy following his death has reached such absurd, almost Orwellian heights, as if others are trying to erase history and pretend that Carter wasn’t one of America’s most ineffective presidents.

Like clockwork, media outlets have rushed to elevate his presidency, attempting to reframe his time in office as the golden age of moral leadership. The most egregious example of this revisionism comes from Washington Monthly, which published a piece under the headline “The Surprising Greatness of Jimmy Carter.”

This misguided attempt to elevate Carter goes beyond historical distortion — it risks rewriting history in a way that undermines the true facts of the 20th century. The article features a simian depiction of Reagan next to a towering image of Carter, who arrogantly rests his elbow on Reagan’s head.

This kind of visual assault on Reagan’s legacy is not only juvenile but also counterproductive to any serious discussion about Carter’s place in history. It’s like claiming that Barack Obama was scandal-free or that Joe Biden was a healthy, vigorous president who ran circles around his staff.

Scott Jennings, CNN’s token conservative, pushes back against the gaslighting: Jennings Offers Harsh View Of Jimmy Carter’s Legacy.