I’M PRETTY SURE THE MEN IN BLACK MEMORY ERASER TOOL WASN’T MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY: Labour urged to drop ‘Western-centric’ science in school curriculum.
Royal societies are urging the Government to make science less “Western” in an overhaul of the school curriculum.
Bridget Phillipson, the Education Secretary, announced an overhaul of the curriculum that explicitly aims to make subjects better reflect the “diversities of our society”.
A committee leading the Department for Education’s curriculum review is currently considering the proposals of Royal societies, teaching unions, and other experts.
Prestigious scientific institutions have supported the call for diversity, and proposed the teaching of more “non-Western” discoveries.
The Royal Society of Biology has advised the committee that children should be taught about “non-Western contributions to the sciences”.
The society has recommended a “no more heroes” approach which avoids “prescriptive lists of historic figures in biology” in favour of “diverse historic and contemporary figures”.
This builds on the society’s previous work on the curriculum, which claimed: “Science is universal, has been and is carried out in all cultures at all ages, creating a diverse scientific global community.”
Richard Tice, the Reform UK deputy leader, told The Telegraph that he thought the plans were “a ludicrous proposal from the wokerati”.
He added: “We need more historic British heroes and achievements to be taught to our children, not less.”
Laura Trott MP, the shadow education secretary, said: “Labour’s curriculum changes will drive down educational standards.
“Instead of continuing with a rich, knowledge-based curriculum which has led to our children being the best readers and mathematicians in the Western world, they are tearing it all up.
“Pure education vandalism once again.”
In the 1980s, Tom Wolfe proposed that the 21st century be the era of “The Great Relearning.” Instead, because the left knows it can’t compete with the great men of the past, the great unlearning marches on.