KAROL MARKOWICZ: OnlyFans model’s sex-marathon stunt reveals the desperate loneliness of men.

“I’m Lily Phillips and today I’m getting ran through by 100 guys.”

So begins the YouTube documentary about OnlyFans star Phillips, 23, and her bid to have sex with 101 men in a single day.

Yes, eww.

She did it for the money and the weird glory — but what about the other part of the equation: the men?

While other porn performers have completed similar stunts, the Phillips story went viral because the film she made about the experience put its tearful aftermath on public display, inspiring near-universal disgust.

But setting aside the revulsion, this is a story about broken people. Phillips, certainly, most observers realize — but far fewer care to extend the same compassion toward the men.

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It’s rare for the internet to come to an overwhelming consensus, yet few if any voices are defending Phillips or arguing that what she did was positive. The mass recoil came because we got to see the repercussions of our “every choice is valid” culture up close.

And indeed, many critics sought — and found — a villain: the men.

“Any man involved in the torture of this woman should be locked up,” Julie Bindel, founder of The Lesbian Project, posted on X. Suddenly the old feminist cries of “my body, my choice” didn’t matter.

The men did this to her, went this strain of online discourse. The woman who planned it, set it up, participated in it willingly and profited from it bore no blame — no, those 101 men should have refused to join her.

But why the belief that women are the only ones who are damaged from soulless interactions like this? And why do only men have agency here?

Like Evel Knievel in the 1970s, trapped into a never-ending routine of dreaming up bigger and more dangerous stunts for the public’s consumption, Phillips is doubling down on her pneumatic lifestyle: Lily Phillips Says She’s Ready to Sleep With 1,000 Men in 1 Day.

But mum and dad and totally onboard: OnlyFans’ Lily Phillips Reveals What Her Parents Really Think of Her Sleeping With 100 Men in 1 Day.

“My parents knew straight from the start what I was doing,” Phillips, 23, said in the YouTube documentary I Slept With 100 Men in One Day via The Mirror. “I was very upfront about it. Obviously, at the start, they were a bit apprehensive because they wanted me to be safe and they wanted me to make good decisions and stuff like that. I just think I can’t hold myself back because I’m scared of what other people might think.”

Earlier this year, Phillips completed her challenge to sleep with 100 men in 24 hours. Her new goal for January 2025 is to have sex with 1,000 guys in one day.

“They don’t need to know the logistics,” Phillips said, referring to her parents’ knowledge of her activities. “I do feel a little bit embarrassed. … I guess because it’s not what my parents would have chosen for me to do. Doesn’t mean my parents are going to disown me or hate me or anything like that. I just don’t want them to think less of me.”

With that last quote, Peter Hitchens’ next update to the Abolition of Britain continues to write itself.