SCOTT JENNINGS: Biden Has Drained Every Ounce Of Credibility From His Surrogates And Defenders.

Listen, you guys can spend all day long trying to spin this, that this is Donald Trump’s fault, that this is somehow caused by Donald Trump.

“Oh, he’s appointing the wrong people. Oh, he did it.” This is the worst possible thing a president could possibly do to his party and to the country. To sit for a year and say, “I will not do this. I will not do this. The rule of law is sacred. We have to respect the justice system, juries. We have to respect juries. We have to respect the guardrails and the norms of our democracy.” These people are liars.

“Inflation is transitory. Afghanistan is a success. The border is secure. Robert Hur is a liar. The videos are cheap fakes. Biden has a cold. He’ll never drop out. Oh, I’ll never pardon Hunter.” It’s all a lie. It is all a grift. Every American except the most partisan brain-rotted people are going to be outraged by this today.

He is going to leave office — you think 38-39% job approval is bad? Just you wait. Just you wait. He’s disgraced, disgraced today. Outrageous…

Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, how many minutes of tape do we have of both of these people telling the American people this will not happen? I mean, we could play it all morning.

It’s a lie, and it’s a lie to benefit his own family. And that’s all that it is. And everybody who went on TV and said, “Oh, look how he’s the modern George Washington.” He’s drained every ounce of credibility from every surrogate.

To be fair, that well ran dry long ago.