“As someone who was present in the room with President Trump during that meeting on December 4, he strongly urged that Spc. Vanessa Guillen’s grieving family should not have to bear the cost of any funeral arrangements, even offering to personally pay himself in order to honor her life and sacrifice,” Patel’s statement to Goldberg said. “In addition, President Trump was able to have the Department of Defense designate her death as occurring ‘in the line of duty,’ which gave her full military honors and provided her family access to benefits, services, and complete financial assistance.”

Theo Wold, yet another official who was actually in the room came out publicly to debunk Goldberg’s claims, saying “[Mayra] was poised and confident in advocating for her sister then and she’s right again today: The Atlantic hit piece is a lie.”

“I was at President Trump’s meeting with the Guillén family because I assisted with translation that day. President Trump was genuinely concerned about Vanessa Guillén and appalled by the tragedy the Guillén Family were enduring,” said Wold, former acting assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Policy at the Department of Justice and deputy assistant to the president for domestic policy. “For example, President Trump had zero interest in the cameras. He met with the Guillén family privately for twenty minutes and offered the press gaggle solely if it would assist them in honoring Army Specialist Guillén and raising awareness about her case.”

“He even told them that day that the press are vipers,” Wold concluded. “Boy was President Trump right.”

The Trump campaign also denied the “f-cking Mexican” comment, which was included in Goldberg’s diatribe: “President Donald Trump never said that. This is an outrageous lie from The Atlantic two weeks before the election,” Alex Pfeiffer, a Trump campaign adviser, said.

Goldberg then turned to more unnamed sources, apparently “two people who heard [Trump] say,” “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.” Pfeiffer once again denied the comment: “This is absolutely false. President Trump never said this.”

And right on cue, Kamala repeats Goldberg’s smear:

Unexpectedly — every Republican candidate for president has been compared to Hitler by Democrats since 1944.

UPDATE: Desperate Much? Yes, Kamala Harris Really Held a Press Conference Just to Call Donald Trump ‘Hitler.’