WINNING: Key Pennsylvania County Must Provide Paper Ballots to Voters in Major Election Integrity Victory.

Blame paper ballot shortages for disenfranchising dozens of voters in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

Some 40 precincts in this critical county southwest of Scranton, which broke heavily for Trump in 2016 and 2020, ran out of paper ballots on Election Day, forcing poll workers to turn away voters in the 2022 midterm election and outraging residents who didn’t wish to vote via electronic voting machine. While some voters were able to return later and cast a ballot at their local polling place—which were ordered by courts to remain open for two extra hours—many did not, meaning their vote was effectively suppressed by election mismanagement.

This disproportionately affected Republican voters.

“Someone definitely failed to do their job,” one self-described “appalled [and] disheartened” volunteer said. Indeed, Luzerne Co. had no plan to resupply precincts that ran out of paper ballots in 2022.

But that won’t be a problem in 2024, thanks to a critical legal settlement secured earlier this week by the Center for Election Confidence (CEC), an election integrity watchdog.

More like this, please.