NOT LOVIN’ IT: McDonald’s Offered Kamala a Chance to Work at Restaurant Like Trump—She Never Responded.

So, for those keeping score at home, here’s the rundown:

  • Kamala says she worked at McDonald’s.
  • Trump says, ‘Yeah, no you didn’t.’
  • Trump mocks her by working at McDonald’s.
  • Kamala is offered a chance to actually work at McDonald’s and … doesn’t.

How hard would it have been to accept the invite and, based on your alleged experience having worked there, run circles around Trump? Wonder why she wouldn’t jump at the chance.  If she held a similar event, legacy media outlets left and right would have fawned over it. It would have disarmed Trump’s line of attack. She could have even argued he was lying, not her.

But she didn’t.

You have to admit, Trump’s move here was genius-level trolling. And this is coming from somebody who initially thought the argument was a little petty and unnecessary.

It’s a microcosm of the election, really. Trump saw a chance to prove he’s more a man of the people and seized on it. Pounced even, as the media might say.

Harris was actually handed a chance to pounce herself and prove she’s not a cold and detached person who makes Hillary Clinton look lively by comparison, and she dropped the ball.

If you can’t make good choices when it comes to working at McDonald’s, how can you be trusted to run the country? Self-awareness: -500 points.

Related: Lefties Are NOT Lovin’ It! Here Are the Top 10 ‘McMeltdowns’ Over Trump’s McDonald’s Visit and LOL.

Most of which boil down “it was a campaign stunt by a politician.” And?

UPDATE: John Ekdahl writes, “My theory on the great liberal McDonalds freakout is this: Donald Trump is not allowed to have fun. Remember, he is the physical avatar of humanity’s cruelty, evil, and malice. The left has also spent a large amount of time, money, and energy though both media and legal campaigns, targeting his livelihood and even his personal freedom all to ensure that the man can never crack a smile again for the rest of his life. And then he did. While donning an apron and serving fries. They can’t handle it.”