THIS IS THE WAY: The GOP Makes Democrats Pay the Price for Trans Insanity.

There used to be a time when Republican elected officials and candidates shied away from talking about trans issues.

They didn’t want to appear extreme or intolerant. Why bother wading in to a fraught cultural issue when there were so many other things to talk about? Deferring to “medical professionals” or “the experts” seemed the easy way out.

Now, though, Republicans have emphatically found their voice. Across the political landscape, GOP Senate candidates are hitting their Democratic opponents on their trans radicalism and have them on the run, while the Trump campaign is pounding Kamala Harris on the issue with perhaps the most prominent ad of this election cycle.

The chickens have come home to roost, and they are apparently all cisgender.

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For the longest time, Democrats have gone along with the steadily evolving trans orthodoxy as established by the cultural Left. Existing in a bubble, they assumed that doubters could be isolated or embarrassed into going along and didn’t realize just how wildly out of touch they’d become.

For his part, Donald Trump is airing an ad during football games highlighting how Kamala Harris said in 2019 that she supported government-funded transition surgery for prisoners and detained illegal immigrants. As the ad notes, it’s hard to believe that anyone seriously seeking public office would advocate such a thing.

Now, in the final weeks of an extremely tight election, Harris and her Democratic colleagues are being held to account for their ideological excesses. They can cry foul, but they brought it on themselves.

As Roger Simon wrote in 2022: Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Big Lie to Sen. Blackburn Exposes Progressivism.

When Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) asked Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to define the word “woman,” during Jackson’s U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, she got the response “I can’t.”

When Blackburn responded with an incredulous “You can’t?” Jackson replied: “Not in this context. I’m not a biologist.”

It takes a biologist to define “woman”? Does Jackson think we’re morons?

In a way, yes. Or she doesn’t care.

She’s a progressive, and progressives have been redefining language—English and many others—to fit their purposes dating back to the Spanish Civil War and undoubtedly earlier. (See Davis Hunt III at The Pamphleteer.)

Jackson very well knows what a woman is. The nominee has known this all her life, as we all have. But these days, in her part of the political world, she’s not supposed to.

So she lied.

She simply parsed her words in order not to offend a constituency that has become imbued with “transgenderitis.” By that I mean a group taking what we all know—that a small percentage of people suffer from gender dysphoria to a degree that they seek to change sexes—and extending it into absurd public policy for reasons of power and control and, ultimately, money, not to mention a completely distorted and harmful view of gender itself. (In this case, see swimmer Lia Thomas.)

Those with that form of dysphoria, as do all with serious problems, deserve our sympathy and support, but no more so than everyone else with difficulties.

Nevertheless, they’ve been singled out for now and are being manipulated and exploited by the left, just as many minorities before them have been.

The transgendered are the favored class du jour. Tomorrow—I’m sorry to tell them—it will be someone else.

The one-two punch of Ketanji Brown Jackson’s dissembling and Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? documentary in 2022 should have been a reminder to the left at how over their skis they’ve gotten on this issue, but once the left collectively loses its mind on a topic, it’s very difficult for them to reverse course.